Was selected in this year's one of top 3 IIM's Executive MBA. Ended up joining another college instead, one of the reasons behind the gratefulness is the immaturity of the IIM Executive MBA batch.
The batch created a WhatsApp group, of 400+ people. With so many folks in the group, there will be conflict in opinions and hence disagreements. But out here, it sounds like a bloodbath. There's fights everyday, daily spamming of unnecessary messages, and language that can make any mature professional bow their head in shame.
The WhatsApp community consists of ~60 sub groups (based on sub batches and sections, interests, cities, centres within cities, etc). The discussions in the groups always starts out quite positively, but often ends with meaningful conversations turning into spam, and eventually someone offending someone, for good or bad measure. What follows the is an entirely different ball game of bitching in yet another WhatsApp group, created purely for banter, called "Bakchodi" (duh).
There once was a full-blown 500+ messages spam discussion on the pros and cons of the student email domain - .edu vs ac.in. Another time, similar amount of spam was done to collectively decide which tagline to use in LinkedIn for the batch (permutation and combination of IIM-X, batch number, year, etc). Mind you, this was before the course started.
In another instance - during the week long orientation, the seniors apparently behaved very badly with the current batch, and (wrongfully) removed one person from the collective networking group because they got offended.
End of the day, I was extremely disappointed by the behavior of the people. While I do agree that the ones responsible for the behavior is a minority, I expected more maturity from folks who are working professionals with a minimum of 3+ YoE. I can only hope that the ones who are taking the course seriously do not have an overall bad experience because of the bad apples.