
Guidance to get started with data science.

I have recently enrolled in an IITM diploma course for data science. If possible can someone pls help me how to get started? And suggest some prerequisite courses that are time-efficient and beneficial. As there is an upcoming qualifier test for this course which I need to prepare for.

11mo ago

@daddad Those courses are of no use in getting a job support. One of my friend did this course from IITM and they were like unable to provide any job. Even I did from Upgrad in Data Science and Analytics and they faked. They are unable to provide even a normal 4 Lpa salary.


I tbh wasn't expecting any placement assistance. I heard that this course is good to at least get started. But thanks for this insight I actually wanted to know about this. But can you pls ask your friend how tough was qualifier round was and where he studied?


@daddad He took the course which cost him around 60k and was virtual in weekends mostly and he faced problems because the lecturers where changed on the same subject. I hope you understand that how difficult it becomes when you are settled with one lecturer and all of a sudden in next class you see another person teaching you. And he cleared the tests and got the certification also. He is from Mechanical background.

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