Has a company reached to you after sending the rejection for consideration?
Many companies in their rejection emails say "we hope you don't mind if we keep your details on file for the future. If a suitable position becomes available as our team continues to grow, we'd love to reconnect with you and may reach out in future"
Has that ever actually happened? If yes, what's the story behind it?
Talking product sense with Ridhi
9 min AI interview5 questions

Yes. A early stage startup rejected my profile after attending 3 rounds of interviews. 1 month later that called back and scheduled for a random interview for same role. I did the it well but again they rejected me without any feedback.
3 months later the same recruiter reached out asking if I'm interested. I didn't respond back. Seems like they were just interviewing just to meet targets.

Alot of FAANG companies do that. If u were a decent candidate but just below the bar, or if there were limited openings they call u again after a 6 months or a year. Note ull have to go through the whole interview process again since ull have more experience and higher expectations
Not the full interview, but only rounds where your performance was short to meet the bar. The interview scores will be valid for an year.

This has happened to me twice in past 6 months. One company reached out for another, better opening after rejecting me for the role I was applying to, and the other one reached out to me because their requirements for the role had changed and were more aligned with mt experience. Both were not FAANG level and seemed mismanaged HR more than anything.