Health issues in mid 20's
Guys, I am a software engineer and work remotely.
I am 25 years old but feel as if i am older.
Already facing heavy back pain, lower back pain. Facial and body hairs are turning grey Already bald
Are these all common, or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?
How's your experience working as Software Engineer.
Any thoughts?

Go to the gym 4,5 times a week. Follow a regime. Change your diet. Add a lot of protein and complex carbs. Eliminate oily junk food for 3-4 months. You will start seeing the difference.

Very common nowadays
- check with physiotherapist for pain
- don't sit on chair for longer periods, even if you have best chair in the world, use smart watch for reminders
- buy a good chair
- go for the best shoes as per your capacity
- check your stress levels
- don't worry tooo much about going grey and bald

Ask your parents they greyed / went bald. Could also be genetic.

Obviously won’t be in 20s. Considering huge portion of population is seeing it it’s not genetic completely tho.

Arre baba we're only discussing Chota Bezos the OP here.
Duniya ka kya haal hai is a different debate.
My limited point is while he is thinking software is the problem, the inherent cause may be in the hardware itself. Can't fight genetics.
If that is indeed the cause, one must live with it and focus on ensuring overall health is excellent.

Im doing WFH sonce 2019. Started feeling backpain and fat all over my body. Then I bought a good table for work(according to my height), bought a monitor for eye pains and sight problem. Bought a comfortable char which provides air ventilation. Going gym 3-4 times a week..
It's really not hard to follow, you just need to start.. do hair massage 1-2 per week.
Let me know if you need any other help

Do atleast 5km walk everyday

Been working remotely since covid hit. I’m 25 too. Have felt the same way. Gained over 10kg in two months, severe lower back pain, severe hair fall that didn’t reduce after I got Covid and my cholesterol level got high.
Some things that are helping at the moment and changes I made in the past two years
- Walk for 5 minutes every one hour of working
- Find fitness activities I love
- Eat homemade food and nutritional one at that. High protein, complex carbs, no fried food regularly. Buy an air fryer if you feel the need to. It really helped me. A LOT of vegetables.
- I aim for 2 litres of water everyday but I end up drinking slightly lesser than that but it’s okay
- Resistance/strength training thrice a week
- 8 hours of sleep every night, regardless of what’s happening. If you sleep late in the night, try not to. You don’t have to be up by 6am. Even 9am works. But just don’t be like me and sleep in the day and wake up in the noon.
A friend having to get angioplasty was a wake up call for me, not even the changes I was seeing in myself. At least you’re noticing this is happening to you unlike me. You got this!

Hey @thebaldking almost in a similar situation. Got severe neck and shoulder pain to the extent that trapezius muscles swells up almost every month, visited doctor and did tonnes of blood test. Vit D3 and B12 were alarmingly low as body needs sunshine to absorb these, but Bangalore weather isn't very supportive! Started with 2-3 strands of grey hair.Now i have given up on counting. Always feeling tired. I feel like i am older than my parents.

Talk to physiotherapist and get your pains checked. Concentrate on your well being. Invest some money on skin care too. Don’t blindly use stupid creams which are in general store.

Agree with a lot of advice here around lifestyle changes
For balding, do a test around iron content and thyroid. Once I realised I have a thyroid issue and took meds for it, my hairfall stopped a lot

Just for back pain: visit a physio. I myself had a 5 day session, simple excercise + machine, definitely worth it , and does not have any medication at all.
Diet + sleep + workout = betterment
Let your body get natural light.

What machine exactly?

Ultrasonic waves needles, physio specific heating pad

Lower back pain is directly related to your core abdominal muscles weakening. And that's due to sedentary, desk based lifestyle. As pointed out, start exercising, eating healthy and watching your sleep cycles - you'll see immediate alleviation (in a week) of your back pains once you start exercise