Help needed
I have recieved offer letter from Accenture having expected DOJ after 90 days ,I have 90 days notice period .I'll resign from my company(Cognizant ) and am afraid if Accenture will revoke my letter or won't reach out to me later then I'll be jobless . Can someone help me with the process,and how to calm down. Pov-Its my first switch.

Accept the Job offer and share in writing that you have accepted the joining date as tentatively, and can give a final date after your resignation gets accepted

And about revoke, thats a risk you have to be willing to take. Cos there’s no way of controlling that. Rest I don’t think that will happen in accenture as its a stable org. But yes you will have to make the decision, will have to change at some point in life. Good luck!

Hi, just accept offer and inform Recruiter your last working which will be on cognizant portal. Take a screenshot and attach in email. Keep in touch with Recruiter about any new update from your side.