
Hey Micheal Scott, what all earns us Grapes πŸ‡ now?

Over the week I have engaged in stupid debates and lost track of the actual goal.

So realigning, hence the question

15mo ago
Find out if you are being paid fairly.Download Grapevine

Should have explored the app, just click the grapes on your profile and you get this list:

You earn Grapes in a few different ways

β€’ Posting and commenting

The likes on your content is a reflection of the appreciation from the community, and helpful content is the most sure shot way to more Grapes.

Each like on a comment/post = 1 Grape

Posting your salary

By contributing your salary information, you help with better transparency of salary information across our ecosystem

Each time you post your salary = 50 Grapes

β€’ Verifying your work email.

Verification (currently restricted to certain users) helps add more authenticity to your word Getting a blue tick on Grapevine = 50 Grapes

. Completing your bio

Having a descriptive bio helps other community members know you better and get in touch with you (as Grapevine gets more conversational). Completing your bio = 10 Grapes


Scotty doesn’t know πŸ₯Ά (the song of course ;-))

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