Hiring without DSA ?
Which companies hire without DSA in their interview process?
Extremely rare to find a company which will not ask any DSA. At some point, they need to test your problem solving skills so the likelihood of not having any DSA round is very low.
If you are aiming for frontend developer roles and has strong js fundamentals then you ace it
Eh DSA is asked for frontend too as well as HLD. Also good luck acing interview if ur interviewer has more questions over some x part of web while u just know abc
Startups that too mostly post a good referral
Thanks :)
There are a lot of well paying companies that hire without DSA. Prominent being Apple , Nvidia (at least for the teams that I interviewed for). I have heard from friends that Stripe, Bloomberg, don't ask any dsa
Most of the product based companies are asking Dsa. Without DSA means it's quite difficult to find
Bloomberg definately asks DSA