Hola Grapeviners! I would love to know why are you on the platform?
I’ll go first.
To me, it’s all about access. Access to authentic ideas.
The best search result you get on Google is high SEO but low authenticity. On LinkedIn, there are so many people but everyone is shilling a course or 1:1 resume reviews.
Mostly it has become a place which started as vanity signalling
Like ( I have started a new role…, I have been accepted at …, I have received offers from F, A, N and G and I’m joining G.)
And now people pushing mindless content with “Agree?” or “Comment Interested”.
Somehow, everyone is truly inauthentic to please a wider audience and say the exact same generic gyaan to maximise engagement.
For now, Grapevine is where people are genuinely themselves and I get to hear interesting things that you get to hear near the coffee machine.
Kinda feels like we’re all a big community where we all contribute and learn new things about the professional landscape around us.
Godspeed Grapevine. 🚀


Ah yes,
The worst breed is:
[generic gyan] Agree?
245 likes 165 comments
Agree. Agree. Agree. Agree. …

The next thing which pisses me off is those guys who share handwritten notes and pdfs of XYZ tech. These fuckers would rather learn from convoluted & misinterpreted notes written by a rando than just read the docs written by or reviewed by the maintainers. If you think the docs can be improved, then just contribute, but no, they would just rather watch a video or cram these dumb notes.

I like how I can ask any question (especially professional) here, and I can expect authentic, truthful answers and not just diplomatic shit.

Exactly, not some NPC flavoured generic gyaan like ChatGPT, I want to know specific things, your take and opinion. Not a 5 step guide on how to cold email. 😂

Ya and especially when you are looking for advice on whether to join a certain company, what's the usual package for a role, etc. For all these things you can't get an answer even on Glassdoor and there's no other way to find out (for most of us who don't have an extremely large group and even then, the information might be diplomatic because it is sourced from a known person, unlike here, where it's anonymous).

yrr @salt tum bhi kaafi active dekhte ho, frehser or experience. Experience ho to kbhi ama krna😅

@PunyDrama38 Tajurba bohot hai sir. AMA karunga soon, there could be some good news in the coming months. 🫡👀
You’re also quite active on Grapevine sir. Would love to hear more from you.

Good to know. I am only 1.7 yrs experienced guy from tier 2.5 college 2020 batch, basically top gov college from Maharashtra. i am Confused sperm who didn't have much interest in coding as I lost interest when i used to see my friends coding day and night and got selected in google like company. Decided to go for mba , took break from job aftrr 1.5 years for cat, 9 months basically. In that period did study but also couldn't sleep at night what after mba. Researched like a hell, what are the fields, what do people do? Then zeroed down consulting and pm. But cat kharab gyi abhi socha hain, brands loonga cv pe , fir dekhte hain baad mein. Khwaish to ye bhi hain sir ki kuch khud ka kru, not for changing the world or impact but secondary income and removing fear of layoff and all...not mercy of anyone but that's fantasy. Currently working again as sde in ncr. That's a story of me, just observing the world trying to make holistic picture 😅

Dusri companies ki gossip sunne k liye

@AstroBubbles Not going to lie, when I hear some crazy stuff. I’m like sis, I low key had so much tea. 😂😂

If not for such platform, how would we even come to know such stuff, right. Everyone doesn't know everyone, plus anonymity here, all the more freedom for people to say whatever they want to say. Love it.

andar ki baatein 💯 bs gujarish hain sab logon se, soch samjh ke daala kro, apna bias mat aade aane dena

@PunyDrama38 😂😂😂
But truuuuue, we should always be objective when we try to evaluate. Anything from politics to art.
Appreciate what’s good but also criticise what’s wrong.

Grape vine should takes measures to improve authencity

Community is real here and less BS, got to know about lot about startups and its working in an unfiltered and real sense, no sugarcoating, which wouldn't have been possible anywhere else like LinkedIn. @salt

@berryprod and I completely agree. Grapevine has been a complete game changer in that regard.

I use this app to get advice from geeky tech peeps

Why? Do you think there is a geeky tech supremacy? Or maybe your crowd in real life is not tech focused so Grapevine helps balance your perspective.

Tech people are cooler for sure. I’m myself in the tech side at my company. But hope to shift to tech companies later