How can I get out of my loneliness?
21M working from home as a SDE. I do live with my parents in a tier 3 city. Most of my time is just spent working on my desk. This is just depressing as I don't have many friends to hangout and even those I have are busy in their own life. I make good and can easily afford to go and live in a tier 1 city but will that be a good option leaving my parents and knowing most of my time would be spent indoors. What would you do if you were in my shoes.
You’re living a dream life man.. its just FOMO .. its just ..grass on other side seem greener .. people are grinding hard to get what you already have..
if still you want to experience those flashy places you see on insta of your friends living in Tier-1 for that..What you can do is.. just for 2 months shift to Tier 1 city in PG or flat.. and experience that and im sure you’ll get back to your Tier -3 before 2 months
I was going through the same situation as OP and tried what you suggested. Living outside is fun for a few weeks/months only if you have friends around
Thanks @xgrapeviner for the suggestion, I have been to Bangalore for a month when I was working for my prev organisation and it was fun for the time being in the office but the things have changed for now. Probably you are right it's just FOMO, I should just wait until the next opportunity to join onsite.
Living in a tier-1 city doesn't cure loneliness. In fact, people over here seem more distant than the rest of India. Even though they are there in person, they are not present in the moment.
For quite some time, I've been pondering shifting to a tier-2 city, save some expenses and live a better quality life.
can you please give some more context on what exactly makes you feel that. Thanks
If you can share, what's the city you're in? cause some t3 cities have more 'soul' than other t3 cities.
To make new friends One thing you can try is gatecrash cricket games in the morning, or target hangout spots of the big thing people from your place it could be ntpc, bsnl, whatever.
How about talking to new people out there. Meet new folks, spend some time out of your comfort zone. Life could get monotonous at times but randomness helps one way or the other
Totally agree with you but there aren't many facilities here where you can meet new people or start interaction with in the first place.
I always prefer living in a tier 1 city than tier 3. There is much more to life than work and that you can find once you explore new things. I would suggest moving to tier 1. If you are considering moving then not just limit yourself to work and go out explore. Join the gym or pick-up new hobbies like dancing, jit-jutsu or according to your interest. And friends can be made anywhere. Open to interacting with new people.