Is the temperature too hot that the office employee/ colleague can wear frocks to office???
Just curious.. Since I recently joined a company and that's what I had seen recently..
Is it considered offensive? Is it cheesy if I tell anyone that their new haircut looks pretty ? (It is what it is)
Where do you draw the line?
My take: It should sound modest and respectful given that its a work environment. But you never know when she might get triggered.
Wierd rules.
Is the temperature too hot that the office employee/ colleague can wear frocks to office???
Just curious.. Since I recently joined a company and that's what I had seen recently..
(Irrespective of your gender)
I’m decently pally with my coworkers but there’s no way I’m pally (or rude) enough to ask them their salary but I’m really curious to know bcz my company is not on glassdoor and I have no way of knowing if I’m being paid at par or genera...
How do I tell them that they smell? Is there any polite way to do this without hurting the relationship?