
How do you guys cope up with the imposter syndrome

Seeing colleagues getting promoted while your contribution goes unnoticed. Working on projects that none of your peers care about. Figuring out the balance between work and personal life. Regret of ignoring physical health due to work.

There are endless reasons that can trigger the imposter syndrome. How are you guys coping up with this?

16mo ago

I started a side business. These fuckers can have their promotions. I work for the salary now. I don't contribute beyond the basic limit. It's liberating. I don't even laugh at the stupid jokes at meeting.


What kinda side business buddy? Any details?


The real Chad


this is pretty personal, but what usually works for me is focusing on my journey only it's definitely easier said than done, but that is the only thing one can do to stay out of the imposter syndrome loop, for example - you're in a company that id love to work for, im at a position which might be someone else's goal and so on, instead of looking forward all the time, sometimes looking back and being grateful helps. that being said, the obvious qualities such as hardwork, and self awareness have to be there


I've been dealing with imposter syndrome for about a year now and I've realised it was triggered by being in a loop of taking on a lot, like you said projects that no one wanted but were seemingly important for the organisation, not being acknowledged or appreciated by the org. However here is what I tried and I wouldn't say it worked, I'm still WIP here but it helped a bit:

  1. Spoke to colleagues on what they felt about my work, had vulnerable conversations about how I could improve and work w them better
  2. Spoke to seniors about my contribution.
  3. Friends who believed in me boosted confidence by a mile
  4. Even where I wasn't appreciated, I reminded myself of gratitude towards being able to do the work that only helped increase my learning and growth as a professional

All in all, I felt, it was in my head and people don't think as much as long as you do your best and deliver. Confidence boost and realising 'its my journey' helped


For me, I just feel sad till I solve something and then I feel like I'm the goat. Then next day comes and it starts again.

Imposter syndrome is part of an endless cycle where you feel incompetent for the most part so just think that you'll not feel like an imposter in some time.

Having imposter syndrome is also a sign that you're moving up in life and things are making you uncomfortable which is what you need to grow


Might sound a little bit cocky here, but once you work hard enough and get to the places where you never thought you'd be able to, it really makes it better

Imposter Syndrome is one of the most growth limiting things in one's career, they just always stop you from as bold as you can be. But every few years, you'll realize you came much farther than you thought you would.

This helped me, I am more confident than I was before.


It’ll never go away. If u understand this, u’ll make peace with it and focus on ur strengths


by accepting the fact that it's not any syndrome, I'm actually not that good, simple!!


I became a mutual fund advisor and built a portfolio for self and a number of clients.

Now salary is important to me(financially) but I am atleast covered half the salary with my side business.

I now have the flexibility to speak my mind on the job without caring if I would be fired the next day


Imposter syndrome is very common and almost everyone has faced it. Don't let it get hold of you


I felt like this in my first job, but I chose to leave because I felt like people were trusting me more than I trusted myself. Since then, I started writing down each and every task I've got on paper and give it a score of 1-5 based on difficulty. Whenever I get such a feeling again, I started reading through this list of tasks. It just goes away in minutes.

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