How does salary negotiation before offer work
I have given interviews and cleared them. I got a call from HR asking for payslips and another offer details.
They said they will get back with offer.
How to go about here? If they come with a lower offer than what i asked, how much liberty i have to ask further. Does HR will come with 2-3 various levels of offer and then try to negotiate with me.
Any help or insights would be helpful in how HR comes with offer details. My interviews were pretty good and i think they like me.

Don't share payslips yet if possible. Do it after finalising your offer details.
What information have you shared? Current compensation? Expected range? Do you have any other offers in hand?
The game that follows now is that of leverage of information vs offer expiry timelines.
They will share an offer. You can call it "interesting" but don't share more details on if you like it or not - you need to "think more" before you can share your opinion. Say that you need to discuss it with your well-wishers and also evaluate compared to other opportunities.
Get back to them on email and call the offer "strong" (if it is really good) or "interesting" (for all other cases). Suggest some improvements to the offer that would make it more compelling for you. Don't guarantee that you will accept the offer if these things are provided (unless it's your last day till offer expiry). Keep negotiating with everyone that is interesting and keep dropping the non-interesting ones.
Also, don't call the negotiation discussions a "negotiation" - that word sounds negative. Call it "discussing offer details" or something.
FYI: All of these tips are from the highly popular negotiation blog posts by Haseeb. They've worked well for me.

Thanks for the detailed answer. Pls do share the link to blog post.
To provide you details, they have already asked for payslips, i do have an offer that i had bot accepted, which i have declared to them.
What i feel is they are comfortable to match with the fixed component of the offer in hand. However let's see about signing bonus, plus, i have also asked them to make full as fixed and don't need signing bonus.
My question is, will the HR come back with 2-3 approved offers/ numbers from business? And then try to make me accept the least one and keep increasing as i speak.
Or he will go back to business if i dont accept what he says and discuss with business.
Just want to know the process and standard operating procedure by HRs here.

That really depends on their budget. If what you're asking is closer to their higher end, the HR will probably only have the highest end offer.
But if it's somewhere in the middle of their budget range, the HR will have the idea of a range of offers (from low to high) and will present the lowest first.
You will typically find out if they are already at the higher end while negotiating - they will tell you they can't do any better :P

Just remember that HRs are under a lot of pressure to hire someone.
Finding a job is difficult, so is finding a good candidate(like you). If you have cleared the interviews, you hold a great power on your side, so negotiate well.
Don't send the payslips before joining. You can say that it is the privacy policy, that you can't share unless they are your employer, make up some shit like this.

The only guy that has negotiation power is the guy that can walk away from the negotiations. But you can ask them that you expect something more which logic, I doubt they'll come back with a lower offer. They would've called it out starting mein hi

Things still work quite differently in India.
Very rarely any HR will be fine with not sharing current and expected CTC in the first call. Without that they don't even move ahead.
They won't allow their employees to leave easily but expect someone to join immediately. Sometimes they don't even interview you if you are yet to resign or have a 60-day notice period.
Now that you have done with the rounds. Your performance you will know better. The demand HR and company will know better. You may get this information from someone inside the company :)
When it's finally time for the offer mostly they try to keep the shit standard 20-30% based on last base salary, and that's the worst part! Exception is when you crack interviews of really good companies where you don't need to ask for more salary they themselves offer you great pay or beyond your expectation.
Tip in general: Whatever the offer they give you be okay with it. Don't share too much excitement nor sadness. If it is something less than your expectations just keep it in case you don't have anything in hand but if you have something better than it just tell them right away. Try getting the maximum time you can to accept it. Give interviews at multiple companies, counter, grow up!
Analyse based on all factors and most importantly what matters to you the most / what are you looking for in your career and not just money.
Btw what is the maximum time you have gotten so far to accept the offer? For me it was a maximum of 24 hours I guess. So I was left with the option of accepting it and choosing the better one in the end. Can't help.

You have interviewed at this company and would possibly want to join it. Its not a you vs them, instead make the argument of how you can work together to reach a consensus.
Tell them
I really like the company etc etc
I would want to work here long term and in doing so i would not want that i have to leave because of money.
I have responsibilities and hence lets work together to reach a number that satisfies both of us
If the hr and company folks are smart, they will themselves cooperate If they don't, remember that they will always do petty tactics for money ( future promotions, appraisals etc)

This is great advice. The last offer I had was pathetic that I told them to not bother sending it to me. It was 60% over my present salary but it was a more expensive city, involved relocation, and most importantly 30% lower than the median for that role. Another friend had gotten 30% more than me for the same role and level at the same time. We interviewed together. But I did later regret I could have strung them along , taken the offer and at least used to negotiate another offer and not join them in the end or told them such lines as you have mentioned. Recruiters are descipable. Would really prefer a job that wasn't with through a recruiter.

Ultimately it comes down to how much power each party has when negotiating. I have shared my current compensation details and then gotten a 50% hike. I've also shifted roles without getting a hike because I wanted to shift badly.
My understanding is that HRs will go to their upper limit if you're willing to walk away. In the current market, HRs have a lot of power since a lot of people are looking for roles.

This would be my superhero name if I ever get superpowers

Can they ask for previous salary slips? Is it mandatory to share?