
How hard is it to switch from Service to Product companies?

I got a summer internship at Accenture as an Advanced App Engineering Analyst, started yesterday. There are good chances of PPO post the internship and if I get the PPO then my college does not allow me to sit for placements with the exception of very few companies, which would have the most competition. I really want to get into a product-based company for a full-time role. I applied to Accenture since it was a summer internship.

So, considering the worst-case scenario where I join Accenture as an FTE with no other options, how hard is it to switch to a product-based company? I'm a good learner so I can learn the required skills and already have some unofficial experience with web development and did good on ML and DL courses of my college with good projects to showcase my skills in them.

Please let me know! I'd really appreciate your insights. Thanks

21mo ago

Purposely do below average work,miss meetings and messages, due to which they wont give you ppo,simple enough.


Guilt ๐Ÿ˜…


Didnt get you


It's difficult, when you are experienced and try to get into product from service, companies give preference to the ones who already have product based experience. I have personally faced it.


Oh thanks for the info. Did you switch from service to product too? How did you do it? Do referrals help?


yeah switching from service to product is difficult. I've done it , but it was tough getting interview calls cuz my CV itself wasn't shortlisted. Referrals would ofc work, but yeah that's the only guarantee, rest is upto luck.

In your case if you end up getting the offer and are made to sit out of placements, I'd suggest to go for the obvious - off campus. Otherwise, its just difficult switching once you stay for long, not impossible. All the best


Thanks for the info. And no I can't go for off-campus if I get on-campus offers, thanks to the dickhead management of my college


Iโ€™ve worked with a product company & Iโ€™ve interviewed many folks from service companies. I understand the quality of engineers working in service companies arenโ€™t as good as the ones working in product companies. But I donโ€™t see a reason why individuals working in a service company canโ€™t make it after clearing all rounds of interview. It all depends on the efforts & interest put in to carve a niche of oneself. Not everybody does it. But if someone is willing, then no one can stop.

PS: I too have shifted from services to product company with some efforts.


Itโ€™s not hard for people that stay connected to tech & trends and do everything to get hands-on experience. Keep doing stuff offline for your own learning and I see no reason why you canโ€™t have a smooth shift to product company from a service company.

PS: I worked on a service based company before shifting to a product based company.


Yeah I keep exploring new technologies too, at least on a high level. Will do what you said

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