
How is your working experience in Goldman Sacks

Asking from anyone who worked/is working in GS.

So I got selected in GS as "SDE: Enginner Analyst " from my campus placement (yes, I am a final yr student of b.tech) just two days back, and to me and my friends especially, this hit to us as a JACKPOT (like omg, yeah, this was the luckiest day of my life). It should be noted that this came at a situation when despite our placement season starting since July our 60% batch is still unplaced (and we all expected an easy placement since we were lured to college claiming to have "100%" record).

However, now I discovered the problematic twist here. During the course of time I saw some of the company's employee reviews which are especially highlighting the worse, even "TOXIC" working hours. (Like 12 hours a day, and difficult to get leave). This all is now kinda scaring me a bit. I also read about better chances of getting hikes, that are better than product-based companies like even all of FAANG. And also, the merits of learning quite well about tech and finance specifics and teamwork. But, the bad work-life balance, it's just kinda making me a bit scared and disappointed.

So, I just wanna ask you all, especially the ones working/worked with Goldman Sachs, to tell me the truth. Please, tell me about your experience of working with GS, all of the positive and negative things, and whether I have realised right or anything wrong regarding what I mentioned from my own research of the company.

Thanks alot in advance.

2mo ago
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Worked in past; As an Intern.

Depends on team to team. Usually the environment was pretty b*tch.

In my team, people behave like they work a lot, but they really don't. Everyone just come and pretend they are working. Really sh*tty environment, it was suffocating.
In other departments though (based on what my friends told me), they had a lot of work to do, but the team environment was good. Most concerns were related to the work.. as it doesn't involve much latest technology or interesting technical projects.


Try to get other offer, preferably growing company, or startup.. atleast working 12 hours will benefit you in your career..

You can ask more people about the latest situation there, like I think Shuttle and stuffs are paid.. earlier they weren't..

Frankly speaking it's not a bad offer.. and usually people only write bad experience online.. don't panic much about it. Feel light that you got one offer, just try if you can get better ones (even if that means adjusting with pay)

All the best for your future!


Work life balance is fine, never had any issues with that. I usually work 8-9 hours a day. It’s becoming a mediocre org tho, there’s mediocre software engineers everywhere so after a point you start noticing that lack in quality compared to top tech firms


Bro do you have any .net openings


People dictate how things are. Shitty team, shitty life. More so, shitty senior, shitty life.

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