How many of you live in Bangalore?
What do you think about infrastructure of Banglore with thoughts of yesterday's incident ?
Is it good or too bad Or just underpass should get closed ?

I hate it but my company forces me to move there. It's one of the worst cities i lived. Weather and food is amazing but the quality of daily life is just not worth it with traffic, gundas, the constant digging and of course the supreme land owners demanding inflated rents

+1000 to this man! This is the truth(not sure about the Gundas mentioned though)

What you said is it has increased in recent times earlier it was not like this about rents and all.
There is specific areas where rent is more then the salary of a person.
But there is some areas where less rent .
Also in some area there is high rent in some building
Besides that building less rent
I live in HSR layout 7th sector
1bhk 12k rent
But easily 5 members can live here
Because master bedroom and even hall is big also balcony with semifurnished .
Just 12k .

Moving soon there ☠️

Good welcome 🤗 brother.
1 thing I just wanna tell you
Be patient on the roads
Specially when you live in South banglore and south east banglore.
Like tech guys only knows about South East Bangalore.
Electronic city
For them this is banglore other part is just village type for them

Recently moved here, itna bhi bura nahin hai

Cluttered concrete dystopian space . Sky high rents , avg quality of food for the price you pay , expensive everything . Traffic and lots of it , bad cops , did I miss anything? (There is weather to cover all the above points)

I've always said one thing: Bengaluru has a ton of new companies and hence the convenience that comes with it. The weather is relatively better than other places. Everything else is bad!

It’s excruciating tbh. The constant digging, patching up only to dig up the same road again. The failed bus lanes, remember anyone? The pain in the ass metro construction which is taking forever to complete. Inflated rents, inflated cab fares and the horrific traffic jams. We’ve already seen the floodings last year. And not to mention this otherment towards North Indians. If you’re from north you’re an outsider, an immigrant. Rant posts like mine will get much hate on Twitter, asking me to go back to my native. It doesn’t matter if you pay your taxes to the state and add to its growth, you have no rights and can only be grateful. So yeah, definitely not the best place to be anymore.

What city do you think apart from Bangalore ?

Shift to Hyderabad, you will never feel like that. The most cosmopolitan, most accepting IT City hands down.

Used to not like it too much when I’d to go to office.
Since I’ve switched to remote, it really is quite nice. North is too hot, coasts are too moist. Bangalore has the best intersection of convenience (delivery/services), weather and folks in tech.

Living for 26 years in Bangalore. Every place has its drawbacks and issues. There is no denying it. What matters is what is your CTQ. If it’s a easy commute then start your day early and leave home early. If it’s people then stay at a premium locality etc. hope you get the point. Bangalore is No America but it’s not as worst as some other places as well.

Even a 30k salary person can easily use this. Even 2 members 6k per month rent which is much less .

Scoring weed is very tough and cops are asshole about it.
Thats a deal breaker for me.
Plus pretentious tech crowd screaming "peak Bengaluru" at every brunch they are having doesn't help either.