How’s Keka HR as a company?
Hey everyone, wanted to know about Keka HR’s work culture, opportunity to grow and policies. Any insights about their Product Management team would be really helpful!

I interviewed with them wayyyy back for a creative role. I was eager at first (probably charmed by a better salary than my current) but I was immediately turned off when I spoke with the founders and someone who leads marketing. It took me 5 mins into the call to realise they're an average product in a boring industry. I wouldn't recommend.


I interviewed with them last year. They were offering me an APM position while I was a PM at the last round while the opening was for a PM. Their logic was we always hire 1 position below because this is how it works at Keka. I declined and closed the interview process.

Their product is average

And culture?

Joined keka HR as PM and quit in a month. Worst product culture