How to break into FAANG as a fresher??
Helo guys, Im final yr btech student. Want 2 get into FAANG company. Wat should I focus on? Leetcode? Projects? Internships? Plz guide

Grind leetcode. Aim for 300+ medium/hard. FAANG interviews are all about DS&A

Don’t. Work with smaller companies, get experience and then move to FAANG. Not every fresher at FAANG has a decorated career. You go to FAANG at senior levels and it will all pay off.

Fact that I am seeing 5 comments in this post rn and all present different opinions.

Focus on fundamentals - OS, DBMS, networks. And practice system design. Coding alone not enough

Build solid projects, contribute to open source. Show you can actually code, not just solve puzzles

Network network network. Referrals increase your chances a lot

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Bro FAANG is overrated. Look at startups, you'll learn more and grow faster