How to find time to self study?
I work at an early stage startup, I absolutely love my work and have enough learning opportunities. But still there are many things not covered by my job description, and I want to spend a couple of hours daily learning those. The problem is that since it's very early stage, there's always an overload of work and I either don't find time, or am too exhausted to focus on studying. Over the last month I've managed to carve out time for gym, but self study seems like a farther goal. How to manage? P.s. it's remote so there's no time going to commute

Early morning..wake up at 5am .. other option is block social media sites(time wasters) and utilize saved time on learning.. weekend 1 day can also be dedicated to learning

Sorry to reply so late. Early morning is not really my thing, I'm a late night person. Social media is mostly blocked, for eg I'm only active on WhatsApp on my phone, and using any other social media on laptop lasts for very short durations. Weekends are there yes and I'm trying to make most use of them, but I'm asking primarily about weekdays

I also blocked YouTube on my phone since it used to eat up a lot of my time

Start having breakfast while shower