
How to generate passive income

Hi guys, Have been trying to understand how to start multiple sources of income instead of just relying on my job. Background: PM at startup, tier 1 btech, 2 yrs exp, don’t code, investments in SIP,blue chip stocks,gold

Could you pls give some ideas. I beleive teaching on youtube abt pming is just too cringe given the amount of content already present. Also i find trading too consuming on a daily basis.

7mo ago

Go for investing. Start safe and as your learn go complex.

Start with simple FD, SGB, MF. Think from the perspective of investing than always looking after money every day. Then month on month, see how your money is progressing. 


Any Youtube channel/ resource which can be followed?


Yes. For easy learning Befaayati.


The cocid bull market is the reason for everybody talking about "passive income". This is bight stupid. Instead of focusing on passive income focus on building the skill set at your. Jobs. The rewards are better and quicker. It's the safest option.

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by FluffyMarshmallowSoftware Developer

Options for passive income

Besides having a regular job at IT firm. How can one create passive income. I'm aware about stocks, sips, mutual funds but anything else that can help one grow financially? Any suggestions?

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by FluffyMarshmallowSoftware Developer

How to create passive income?

Besides having a regular job at IT firm. How can one create passive income. I’m aware about stocks, sips, mutual funds but anything else that can help one grow financially? Any suggestions