How to know a good team before joining?
Everybody wants to join a good team where you have positivity and your learning is great. But after going through the interview, before joining a company, how would you know the team you are going to join is a good team in that company?
Speaking w.r.t business/ops line. Ask these questions.
Are your data systems set? Does everyone pull data from the same source or do managers/leaders get it directly from a BA and you have to get it through queries/tools? The king and the subjects must drink from the same water source to ensure even a little bit of pollution affects all and is rectified.
Is the buddy /your remaining team members accountable for proper training and onbaording? How so? A good manager and team ensure there is a system with accountability check for this.
What are the KPI for the role and do a sense check. Sometimes stupid KPIs are assigned to job roles just to meet your leaders target metric which mooches off of your bandwidth.