Recently moved, nothing to do
Recently shifted here to blr, i'm new here and literally know no one here. What should I do after work/weekends? How do I make friends and go out ?
I've been in the city for almost 2 years but I barely have any friends. Most of college friends are in other cities while my office is WFH.
I realised that I have less friends when I started asking some of them to join for a trip abroad.
Recently shifted here to blr, i'm new here and literally know no one here. What should I do after work/weekends? How do I make friends and go out ?
In the Blr since a month, in the Marathalli area.
Not any friends nearby. First time out of home town.
Not any friends in the company as well, mostly I sit alone just casual hi hellos. Don't drink or party hence just stuck in PG.
I wa...
How to make friends in Bangalore?
I've been working at small team startups, so there aren't many people around me.
Plus everything is so far in Bangalore it takes hours to go somewhere.
How do you find new friends?
I earn enough. Here are my problems:
Holi hai? Diwali hai? So what, nothing to enjoy. Lets spend the day laying on the bed, watching stuff over phone. Feeling less and less disconnected with friends, to the point where I feel I don't even have friends. College friends are b...
Moved to a city from a Village. I felt the same. The reason is that cities are culturally and morally bankrupt. Exce...