Work culture at Angel One
Hi all, Wanted some input on how is the work culture at Angel One in Product and tech team.
Currently interviewing with them for a Product role. How's the team, culture, learning, compensation, work-life, peers, coolness, growth etc.
Tell anything you've heard about Angel One and your review on working with them.
Hey- it’s a large company with a mix of traditional mnc and startup culture.
It’s a large org so culture may vary from team to team. Having said that, org in general is stable, culture is decent and you will get great work to do.
I joined recently and my experience has been decent.
Hey I am also interested in Angel one. It is remote right? Also how did you get the opportunity? Trying to get an interview with them for a product / business analytics role but unfortunately no luck till now.
I just cold emailed a senior PM. I do have significant trading knowledge and have some cool side projects, so the interviews have been good and maybe that's how I got a referral.
Fun fact: After a couple of rounds of interviews I realised, I haven't traded in a long time despite following markets. So after an interview focused on that, traded and made some decent profits.
They're remote but a lot of tech team works in bangalore. I think many people to get remote if they ask though. The business is growing very well so try again bcz they might be hiring in analytics as well.
@HideousSpoon hey. Can you please share what profile (APM, PM, SPM) are you interviewing for and what team? I have been interviewing with them for past 3 months. They have been slow. Wanted to know how your experience has been like?
They have been really quick in my experience. Almost all the people I've heard from they complete all interview rounds in 1-2 weeks max.
Are you interviewing with the trading team or the new business verticals team? And what’s the designation are you interviewing for?
Apologies for too many questions😕
Bhai ho Jaye toh mujhe bhi refer kardena baad me for software Engineer role 2yoe.
Bhai startup toh accha hai, paise bhi accha deta hai. Jitna mujhe pata hai culture sahi hai but fintech hai toh workload zyada hoga mere hisab se.
Baki mujhe zyada nahi idea hai. Ye sab Mai purane reviews aur Leetcode discussion ke basis pe bol raha hu
Mujhe refer karna mat bhulna bhai hi Jaye toh, all the best
Sure bro, will refer.
I enjoy finance and tech both and also trade frequently, so I think it will be a cool place to join. Also the company is doing very well on the business side. Seems like esop holders from Angel One made all the money.
Anyone know where their office in Bangalore is where product and tech teams work out of?
Hi all, Wanted some input on how is the work culture at Angel One in Product and tech team.
Hey folks, curious to know about the work culture at Angel One, especially for the Android team(s). So far have heard mostly postive to neutral reviews but would appreciate if anybody working there can shed some light on how is it actual...
Hi folks! Is there anyone from the Angel One product team here? Could you kindly share how the culture of the team is, how the growth and learning prospect is? Would you suggest joining?
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