
I am done with this product management shit

Note - I am a product manager too

4 out of 5 product managers will act all high and mighty of themselves, bragging their way as if they run everything going on in the company, flaunting their business degrees and being utterly disrespectful towards their team( dev design qa name it),

Recently started going to office so the attitude I am seeing is very transparent and more visible (more with the higher experience folks)

It makes me wanna leave this hyper inflated role, thinking of I will end up like them scares me, and you have to do is speak out jargons in meetings day in day out and have a English accent of Shashi Tharoor.

Recently my manager told that this is a role where you have to very representable or very visible and act in floor as if you are the busiest person on earth and I seriously some PMs in company doing that, they walk so fast in floor as if they will fall off or would be better to have 4 legs.

22mo ago

What exactly is product management and also how it differs from a Product Manager. 🤨


What exactly is farming and also how it differs from a farmer.


@SmartRing77 but farmer here is the technical team who actually works on stuff

Take PM as the person who just checks in everyday with the potential buyer that what type of crop they want and accordingly they will communicate the farmer to farm the same 🥱😂


Product Managers are required, but not everywhere. And they shouldn't be direspectful, but in fact be respectful with the stakeholders and get the things done without an authority.

It's true that in most of the cases, PMs are limited to something like backlog managers, but in bigger organizations, it will be difficult for teams to interact with each other and someone is required to look after the product, and enabling a seamless communication.


@Dhoni Ofcourse they are required, but they are not the only one required

Everyone in the team is important and just a piece of the puzzle which is working in their own area


They are required. But the point is, we don't need just product managers. Every product manager should have a base of tech experience. Else it's an invalid position.

All product managers without tech background are INVALID


You can't be more right. Wow, thanks for shedding good light.



@Reactor yes! And you will see every other post like does a PM need to have technical background or know coding?

And mostly the answer will be Well! It depends 😂


Nope. Wrong.

Product Managers don’t need a tech background. They can come from any background and bring those strengths - Customer Service - Customer empathy
Marketing - product marketing, launch, distribution
Data - Strong data Insights

You need to stop spreading false information based on your narrow minded point of view.

What I will agree to - there are rookie product managers hired across India without any experience in anything. This I am against. Product managers need to come with some experience which could be of a different background. Just because you have a shit experience with Pms doesn’t mean the role itself is limited to what your perception is.


After working with Ok to bad to worse PMs, I feel PMs are absolutely essential for product driven companies. They should ideally maintain a coherent Product vision and drive different teams towards that vision. Vision here is not a buzz word. It means concrete things look like - who are your users, what is their intent, what's their problem (s), what is the best way solution, what are real world limitations, what are the tradeoffs, etc.


FYI i am engg


@Lshfjsi it’s is essential not denying, I am talking about the nature I saw with the work and the hype they create around


Probably you are in the wrong company who doesn't really have a defined role for PMs.

And your Manager is not a real PM if he says this to you. Because if he doesn't understand what being a PM is how can he make his team understand that lol.


What is right company?

everyone has that same job description and role

I am talking about the role in general specially in India


@KiraTheGod786 also I am not a fresher and have seen most peoples trick to be visible in this role

As I don’t have that kind of nature when I am working, my manager told how he got through and suggested as a friend

I anyway work like my own way only 😂 and I also know it will be tough for me way ahead but I seriously can’t be like that


A lot of PMs are modern 'Junior Sethji' in Dhandho companies. And act that way.

I recognise that a lot of people have a perception that becoming a PM is just being a 'sethji' and making 'decision'. I literally got DM's full of aspiring MBA kids wanting to become a PM just to be a 'sethji' and look important.


Hahah absolutely true @SuperDumbPM


PM role also needs a level of emotional and professional maturity, because of sheer volume of stakeholders one needs to deal with, which comes only with work experience even if it is in other domains. Hence APMs right out of college with zero prior work experience is a bullshit concept, no matter if they are from IIT or IIM.


Seems more like a company specific issue. Would you mind naming it?


@SoftApp38 nah man! I am saying this after observing PMs across all bad-best companies

They all have the extra need to justify that without them nothing works

Even in my interview interactions I have seen many interviewers with that tone


Definitely a company issue. I’ve seen some kickass PMs change the direction of the company for the better. If your PM is just looking busy, it’s a management problem (CPO/CTO issue)


Maybe you are confusing the behaviour of a few individuals with the role that they are in.
Maybe if they were in Sales, they would have created a perception that they win all the deals 😁 I would rather separate the individuals from their position/role.


Also, just because some PMs behave that way, why would you consider quitting PM. If you like PM, you can choose to be a super version of a PM and place that as a role model for newbie/other PMs.


@arbitdxc I don’t like PM job because of the environment it has come to, been in this role for more than 3 years I can surely say it’s a highly hyped job.


Your manager is right, PO role is to be flashy. In my company there are POs who have grains of rice for brain cells yet they have survived every round of layoff and the one who worked, were let go. It is not the case just in India, I have seen the same happening in UK and Ireland. It is more apparent now when being "visible" and "loud" is more important than being productive, to save self from beling let go. Managers have immense power these days, so best to accept their gospel


@NoName01 manager is always right Maybe I am not like that so he wanted to convey to be more like others, although I focus more on work and learning I always thought if I am putting my work, working together with team, and improving things I don’t have to act around in office

But sadly it’s wrong, maybe be I have to start acting very busy

I got to know one of the pm use to book their meeting with themselves, join and sometimes preset their own screen too and it use to show at least 2-3 hrs “In a meeting” or “Presenting”


This. This fucking this.


All of these are related to behaviour and attitude. Every individual has their own and can define how they want to work. It's absolutely not necessary to do all of these. People who bring value to the table, can bring value without doing all of these and still being recognised. You just need to be in the right org which appreciates this.


Yes the post is about the behaviour and attitude but specially of PMs I have interacted and seen arounf


Then why blame the role. 😬😬 You dont have to be like any of them.

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