
I need help regarding my career as a fresher. How can I turn my life around?

I'm 24 year old unemployed. I graduated in 2021 with BTech IT from tier 3 college. Initially I was preparing for UPSC exam but I gave up after few months and now for a year I have been learning Front End Development and have learnt HTML, CSS, JS & ReactJS but unable to find a job. I made a lot of mistakes in past and didn't learned from them. I'm not good at anything. I apply daily at different platforms ex: wellfound (formerly angellist), hirist, hirect, instahyre, cutshort, individual mass hiring companies off campus but from nowhere I'm getting interview call even if I get call I'm not able to clear interview.

Now the thing is my parents gave me ultimatun to get out of the house by April 1st they don't care what type of job I do. I don't understand what can I do now. I'm willing to do hardwork and learn from my mistakes I just need little guidance to get on a track. If anyone can guide me on how to get a job or any advice. I would really appreciate it. Thanks for reading.

24mo ago

I feel at first you need mental peace...go join bpo using naukri dot com or try to find some contact...work at any call centre, sales call executive, hotel manager or any such job and first get out of house,....you can also get some small job such as maintaining an online store, factory manager, order dispatch, etc. at local msme. They already know you aren't there to build a career.

When you get out of house then work on skills, job applications etc. on side. Don't stay more than 6 months here. No wasting time on weekends, no substance abuse, alcohol binge or cigarettes. Work on being physically fit, and focus to get out from here. Write a journal. It helps to build coherence of thoughts and improve language and communication skills. From there take on where you want to be in life.

Search companies that got funded, top people in field etc. & apply as intern there. Search for a job directly beyond linkedin and take the proper IT corporate route,, while giving govt exams, army exams side by side. You still have age on your side. Try to leave the city where your parents stay, in case they can live without your physical presence and support.

Get a serious partner in that time. It clears a lot in your head.

If tech doesn't click, you can also use your upsc knowledge to get job/internship etc. in public policy space as an analyst, consultant or any work. Learn SQL, R and brush on social science concepts. Find such people and organizations on linkedin, twitter etc. follow a page called 'shores beyond upsc'.

Avoid opening your own start up for a while. First get a job and some confidence.

Work diligently for a few years. Don't think of a 5 star expensive marriage(have a small one if needed), home loan, or car loan before 30. You will have a much better view on life then. Only take an education loan if needed for masters or a business loan that too 3-4 years from now. Avoid asking for big money from parents for now.


Thanks for detailed answer. I really appreciate and like your advice.


What do you mean my get a serious partner, any specific advice please


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This is my post few days back.For me personally I have decided to give TCS NQT which is happening on 14th April.And try get my first job through it.Also I prepared for gate very well ,so I am also giving PGEE to get admission into IIITH. Try going through my post comments,some may be helpful for you.


Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it.

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