Indian startup culture is the cringiest thing ever
Come at me, I'm not scared. There is a reason why FAANG engineers are top-rated VS some random startup engineer.
Here are the reasons why I think that Indian Startup culture is pure cringe:
- The random use of the following emojis- 🚀💰📈📊💡
- Fake enthusiasm for every little thing - "Wow! 25M people ordered condoms WOWOW!!!🚀"
- Claim that you are a verb("company name"): "I am a (Zoman, Flipster, Swiggster or whatever)" but no one really knows about it outside of your company.
- The HR is a proper softie in the name of Employee wellbeing but will end up being a sadist the moment layoffs happen.
- Think hard if you really want to work in a place that is your LinkedIn feed on Steroids.
Pointless discussion.. at least startup guys are trying and generating jobs —> the most important thing India needs today.. they deserve respect..
They are also ruining a lot of careers
Yes some startups are not run well.. call them out on glassdoor /other sites
Bruh you high?
Have you not seen the infinite amount of cringe generated by so-called faang engineers on blind?
Startup or faang, shit is the same everywhere.
Point 3 👌🏽
So you're a 'razor'? @Vindhyachal
Razor-payee 🪒👻
Lmao, dropping truth bombs one after another.
I disagree on the engineering competence though. Many startups are filled with ex-FAANG and the number is much higher if you include to-be-future-FAANG folks. These folks don't just become less competent engineers while at startups.
These are two different worlds. One has established itself. Other is trying to get established. They are making noise to be seen. Please go see Microsoft’s early demo or launch videos. They eat cringe for breakfast. You are comparing the maturity of a 60 year old with the enthusiasm of a 20 year old.
And faang engineers are sometimes better than some startup guys because there is a large pool of smart guys that they can afford. Startups cant afford multiple smart people. You worry about process/compliance. They worry about MVP TTM. You are comparing oranges to apples and saying that the oranges can never be red.
Oh, Indian startups, where every idea is hailed as the next big thing until it crashes and burns faster than you can say 'unicorn.' It's like a carousel of dreams, except the horses are made of paper and the ride operators are all wearing rose-tinted glasses and Esops are shit to employees.
Company checks out
Pure truth :-)
Oh look! That guy who will use this term "10x engineer"
More cringe comes from the founders who copy-paste the western model and in their own mind they are “Indian_Steve_Jobs_Pro_Max”.