
Influencers minting money

Have come across many YT influencers cum freelancers cum podcasters - barely out of college but claiming to earn in crores. Not sure how true that is but if so, I do feel inferior though I am at a high paying job. Their constant show off makes it worse - one guy claimed in front of Bikchandani that he made 35L/month

7mo ago
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Other day someone claimed he made 52 cr an year. And don't get me started about girls doing obscene acts on tiktok like apps.

After getting a degree after 4 years, working hard 6 more years on top of it, I am making about 35 lpa, and they are making it in a month. I feel you.


I took an interview of a person having 20k+ followers on linkedin posting daily about one or the other things about a programming language.

Couldn't answer basic level questions or coding challenges.

And they are followed by some big accounts that actually have a reputation.


Take risk, there is always only fans.

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