
Interview asks

Hi, Product Leaders / Product Managers on Grapevine,

What is the shortlist criteria for APM Roles and what would be a dealbreaker for them to consider a person from a tier 3 college and good work experience at good startups.

Please help.


20mo ago

Chill. Hiring is broken. I am Product leader at a Unicorn. From a tier 3 college. Non-mba. Startup experience.

How to navigate: Irrespective of what you have studied, what you have done so far, you can easily get into PM-ing via referrals up to SPM level. In your situation, ONLY referrals would work. Job boards work if you have logos (IIT etc, or say OLA etc). Because HRs have a shortlisting criteria. Also, bottom of the pyramid, there is just too much supply.

After SPM level, it gets super tough if you haven't worked in larger product orgs etc. At GPM/ AD & above, folks want to only hire if your profile has enough experience working in some known product orgs.


What did your path look like? How did you get into product


Honestly not many companies look at colleges for lateral hires It’s the work experience and how you sell it that determines whether you get a shortlist So a good company and good product experience stands out

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