Is MacBook motherboard failure common?
I purchased a MacBook 13 month ago. 2 weeks ago suddenly its audio system stopped working and getting auto reboot again and again, also it is not getting charged. I took it to the Service center and now they are telling me that its motherboard is damaged and its replacement cost is 75000 (40% of its actual price) . As it got damaged just 2 week after the 1 year warranty expiry date I have to pay 75000 to get it fixed.
After searching this issue on the net, It seems like this problem is pretty common and I can see a lot of posts regarding this motherboard failure in mac. Has anyone here faced this issue before or aware of this?
It's very frustrating to spend 40% of laptop buy value just after 1 year to get it repaired.

There is one site of apple through which you can know the mac accessories is defective or not. If your motherboard/laptop also there in that list then you don't have to pay anything, they should do it for free but I don't remember the name of site.