Job openings @ Lowe's India
Full stack engineer with 3+ YOE (java+ui) Dm me. Referral 50-50 🤝
Benefits of doing through referral is that, the employee who is referring you can follow up with the hiring manager or HR

Are you in same team? How much referral $$?

I am not in the same team. The job description looks so cool. Most of the projects in Lowe's are good. WLB is also good. Referral 30k

I have applied to so many supply chain and ecom roles at Lowe. Despite having 60-70% skills mentioned in JD I have never heard back from them. I don't have SQL/python skills, could this be the reason?

I think it might be. I am in no place to give advice. But, to have an edge over others, you can learn this topics

Hello @CoAdmin would you be able to refer me for the analyst role ?

My account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/satish-patro

Delete this from here(Misc) and post in Referral community. 👍