
KA govt approves 100% reservation for kannada folk in C & D grade jobs

This didn't even take long. As hard a pro kannada guy that I am, even I am opposed to this. According to me this is culmination of 2 messed up things.

  1. Rotten govt
  2. Take the locals for granted attitude of immigrants

1st is mostly self explanatory, congress govt is trash, they are set to take our country back to 1900s. Anti progressive and trash thinking

2nd one is what gave them the guts. Decades of immigration to Bangalore has threatened the existence of kannada in our own crown jewel. No immigrant god even puts an attempt to learn local language. Even after staying here for 5-10 years, you guys think you can behave however you feel like. This made more and more locals feel u must be taught a lesson and they started giving silent approval for such biased actions. Though there are many who hold the OG values of athithi devo bhava and BS, things started to change and it emboldened govt. Everyone should do their part in co existing.

And here we are... I had predicted this time and again in my posts. And it might just get worse.. Well we each reap what we sow.. Keep watching the cinema unfold.

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8mo ago

Why people don’t complete their education, speak right English and get job instead fight to get these reservations?

Why work when you can get shit for free.


I hope they feel the illiterate of themselves on their joining


Honest take and after having read about this across platforms, let me say no! Even after spending a decade in this city I may not be inclined to learn any new language, especially even more so if I am forced to. Respecting cultures does not only entail conversing in a language. It's more about respecting certain traditions, some local customs and all in all basic human decency. I've celebrated local festivals with my local friends and house help with equal zeal. That's respecting tradition! Being a decent human being if you're in the wrong, that's respecting laws of the land! Nothing more, nothing less just basic human qualities! Having grown in a highly secular setup in a small township, I can attest that this is purely a political gimmick and local people are happily drinking this kool aid!

On a rational POV, as a person I am expected to work 10-12hrs or more, follow my passions, take care of daily life and make most of my living in the limited 24hrs that we're given! My priorities are based on my life, no one else gets to dictate that and that's applicable across for everyone imo. I have friends who are well versed in kannada, I have friends who are not. I have local friends who are much better at conversing in english and prefer that! To each their own man, and I am fine with that. We all get along well and enjoy seeing each other grow in our own ways.

It's really tiring, first you fend off reservation all our lives from school to college to any govt jobs, that this simply irks people off. Out of all, jobs are and should always be a meritocracy driven game not based on anything else. We'd be delusional if we expect to do this and then think we'd become the silicon valley of India in reality


Also, to clarify not targeted at the OP or anyone else, simply my POV from frustration and experiences. Had this debacle on my way from a meeting where again this whole I won't service you if you can't talk to me in local just irked me off from an autowallah!

I practically call this my hometown for 10years, because I loved what Bangalore stood for. Miss the good old days where all were tolerant and respectful towards each other


Respecting a land and culture is not what you do by picking and choosing at your convenience. Have some shame. Staying in a place for more than a decade and demanding they speak the language you are comfortable in but proudly decline learning their language I question which sort of parenting you had to talk all this without being embarrassed.

I should not even get into discussions on this basic point. You guys need to be dealt in a way you understand.


You my friend are sick in the head! Why not wish for a system based on merit rather than ethnicity/regionalism. Humans will move/migrate where the opportunities are favourable may it be study, job or evolution as a whole. Reservations basis economic background is still justified but not on the basis of regionality/ethnicity. Your point of people living in Karnataka for 8-10 years but not speaking Kannada - how does it matter if they speak or not? If they are living a civic life and adding value to the state economy by means of consumption and taxes then what’s the problem? What if the kids of these “locals” are treated differently when they go abroad or to other states for work? for the other incompetent locals who aren’t able enough to go out of their caves will always complain and demand an easier path (Reservation) instead of working on skills to get a job. Pathetic!


Hey, If all of us want to promote learning kannada in Karnataka , Tamil in Tamilnadu to promote language why there are no learning resources provided by gov to learn thr language, why not any company has been instructed to have compulsory kannada teaching resources available for there employees who are interested in learning the language. I am genuinely interested in learning speaking and even writing but it is damn difficult to find a systematic resources. I would even want to test my learning by giving tests. I want to read original writing of mahakavi Kuvempu.

There have been lot of complain by natives and government but I have not seen any efforts in actually providing good resources on helping immigrants works help learning the language.
Language florish when we have better reach to learning resources not by any hate and anger. When you saw someone not speaking in kannada you should have shared the learning resources than just complaining about " you should learn Kannada."

It has become a vent out post, but I genuinely want to be able to learn Tamil, Kannada or any other languages like I am able to learn Spanish, French or English or German both read and write also able to get certificates in it.


Heard it on Grapevine: https://share.gvine.app/rYcTXE5wzVpi71iu8

Resources are plenty i think. Many have learnt it as well. You should have that sence of duty to learn that's all.


Well, these sporadic once a while thing will not solve the problem with PPL not able to learn, maybe instead of blaming all on others collate the resources with grade wise and systematic plan and post it somewhere like most tech ppl posting about ml/ front end backend or even about pm resources. just throwing blame with do no good. Anyway if that's how you think the problem will solve I can't say much.


This is pure vote bank politics. I don’t understand how you jumped to saving culture with this move.


Why aren't you happy? I thought this is what you wanted

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