Karnataka government launches KWIN city near Bengaluru
thoughts on real estate investment in these towns for long term gains?
Goals: Ensure politicians and builders get land. Immigrants pay high prices for houses. Enure my contractors get paid to pay them hafta
They can't manage bangalore. But they want to build another airport and city.
thoughts on real estate investment in these towns for long term gains?
70% lakes have dried up/covered up by builders
It is only going to get worse. With increasing demand, unpredictable rains and worsening infrastructure and water bod...
This is one of the reasons why I resented from investing in a property in Bangalore early on. 🫡
New to the city and it makes no sense to me whatsoever. Having lived through all major metros in the country, Bangalore feels like a Tier-2 town covered with Tier-1 wrapping paper.
Probably because they built buildings where lakes provided natural refuge to rain water bro.
"tier 2 town with tier 1 wrapping paper" - couldn't have been more accurate with this description
Look around you. The local bodies responsible for it doesn't care about fixing the issue. They want to fill their poc...