Lets help eachother by listing companies providing/not providing option of WFH
Lets make a list of companies which are still allowing WFH. We can share information about company we are working for and for other as well if we are sure about their WFH policy. In this time of layoffs and job cuts, this might help community here to take informed decision while switching or applying. Format to follow : [company name] [WFH/ Hybrid/ No WFH] Any improvisation / addition in this will be appreciated to make this helpful to all.

Suggest companies providing WFH
Please suggest company names with good work life balance and providing WFH.. Also if anyone has remote work option, Please DM.

WFH companies list
Hello please mention companies which are still offering WFH. One of my close friends is looking for it. Kind of an emergency. Thanks for the help🙌🏻🙌🏻 Domain: Operations, Sales, Marketing, Customer Support/sales, Brand development

WFH options
Companies are asking employees to return to office. What are some options for people willing to continue WFH?
I know:
- Headout
- Razorpay
- Hotstar