
LinkedIn Gyaanis should be banned

Rant. Chappri Interns and mid af SDEs on LinkedIn have destroyed the entire point of the platform. Every Tier 1 graduate working at Microsoft or Walmart posts their own pic in some Manali hillstation and give 400 lines of unsolicited gyaan, which virgin btech 2nd year students cant help but drool at.

I get it bro/sis, you mugged up 800 LC mediums and Microsoft came to your BITS campus and picked you up because you solved a system design question in the interview which scales infinitely for infinite users. No, i dont want to enroll is PrepCracker's System Design Cohort for just Rs 69,999 and replace Hotstar's CTO.

Folks like Arpit Bhayani and Addy Osmani are the only reason I open linkedin to actually get some ground level reality of how to be a better SWE, but all i see is bhaiyya didi telling me why my resume is not getting selected because i didnt pay Rs. 1,999 for their Topmate Resume Review session.

Due to them Twitter is full of 2nd year dimwits who think swe is the only path to liberation and their bhaiyya didi will be their guiding angel. They won't. They'll turn out just like your average 3.5lpa employee at WITCH. The only way to become a good swe is figure shit out yourself and do what you love. Its that simple. Im from a shit tier 3 college. I've cracked FAANG and that too with 42 lc solved. What DSA bro?

Thankyou to the Grapevine team for building a good platform where genuine watercooler discussions take place. Deleted LinkedIn for good until i get my sanity back.

22mo ago

Middle class people are not wrong in thinking that swe is a path to their liberation. I could only afford to travel to these exotic places, take up (unnecessary) hobbies, pursue gym and eat good after earning those fat paychecks because of these overvalued startups paying me


Absolutely on point, but theres no point in selling these dreams by telling that the only way to do it is by DSA or CP or some shit. Folks at Razorpay are building the future of payment gateways and i know a few personally who are at SDE 3 level and dont have a college degree and a leetcode account.


But how is this approach incorrect? I literally got to join my company because of dsa. Dsa works for 90% of the folks so this is not wrong. Sure there are exceptions


It's easy to package existing solutions of LC & sell them to idiots with the power of Tier-1 / FAANG background.

I recently came across a video where some guy was claiming to have got an offer from FAANG even though he didn't have a CS degree. Checked out the comments & found out that he already has a mech. degree from an old IIT. Can't believe he's fooling others like this.

FAANG shouldn't be the end goal. There're way better companies than them. Give prio to open-source. It is a good way to showcase yourself more than some LC rating and will open up way better opportunities than FAANG.

Inb4, some kid says I'm jealous of FAANG (again), I've turned down an offer from Netflix before.


👆 This. No company should be a dream company. Always aim to become a better engineer and build beautiful things.


This. Not everyone who works at LinkedIn creates Kafka. Not everyone working at Google is working on V8 or Search. I fortunately have talked to folks at FAANG who told the work I'm doing in a startup is actually good. In India people are obsessed with titles and rote learning


These people literally made people believe that software engineering is all about solving lc questions. It is becoming a norm, just like how you prepare for boards/mains.

When I asked my mentor whether to start grindin' on lc, he said fuck it, it doesn't even constitute 5% of software engineering. He rather asked me to pick up discrete math and really understand it. I'm glad he's my mentor.


Your mentor is a real G.


I agree. There's a reason 4 Yr engineering course exists. There's a reason why those subjects are taught or are part of curriculum. Those are truly the fundamentals.


Folks like Arpit bhayani Dude he is just asli mba not asli engineering, he is also selling his shitty System design to people. Saw few of his videos of the cohort , it's so low quality and even wrong at many places the 3 hour nonsense video could have been completed within 30 min , but why will someone pay 30k then , haha He is just using his Google tag to promote shittiest courses


oops ...kya kare fir sirji?


Kiska LinkedIn chhapri walo ka ya fir kiska ?


It seems those who can’t get likes with insta reels or facebook posts write random gyan on LinkedIn to please their ego. Also, they reply to every comment on their post with words like- I agree, that’s a great point etc


I agree, thats a great point


Why is there no reaction in grapevine? I wanna laugh at this


I'm from a witch company and I'm trying so hard to change my stream and move into a swe role . I would be grateful if you could give me some tips on how to move on to roles I'm passionate about .

  1. Choose your stream on what you want to specialise in (frontend, backend, ml, cloud, devops, infra, android etc)
  2. Put in efforts to learn it well and in depth. This part is totally free of cost. 100s of channels, articles, blogs, and tutorials are available for free of cost. No need to pay a single rupee.
  3. Build side projects and have proof of work. Build stuff that would solve a problem that you're personally facing or your friends are, and make stuff that others are not building. Github is a great place to explore this.
  4. Apply like crazy everywhere, cold mail everyone, learn the art of cold mailing amd linkedin dms.

Do this for 6 months consistently, results will show. I went from making 8k a month to 8k in 2 days, in 10 months. I'm the most mentally average person you can think of. If I can do it, anyone can.


Had i not procrastinated, I would've written this post myself. Thanks OP These folks Target tier-2,3 college guys making them feel as if they are dimwit. These are new byju level salesperson


You can curate your feed by spending a couple of weeks marking toxic/annoying post with "I don't want to see this'.


My feed is so much cleaner now. Well curated LI is 100x better than the plain vanilla one


Will try this, thanks


I am also fed up with their posts.
Especially the influencer Didis, They post their random photo or a selfie with a hell lot of gyaan on Cracking MAANG and Top Startup Interviews.

I am from one of the NITs and I know how they get hired at Campus Placements.

LinkedIn should start taking some action against these chhapri influencers and their Orgs should also be monitoring their performance because I bet most of them are just doing bare minimum to survive into these fancy organisations.


People are alone they like interaction so they post


All loners in Bangalore huh?


Get a gf in blr,explore outside rather than fapping

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