LinkedIn is it scam ?
I am applying for Roles in Linkedinwhich I was qualified well (may be I am overhyping myself) but I am not getting shortlisted for any of the roles applying.
Is there anything I should do instead of just applying ?

It almost never works because of the deluge of l**** who apply regardless of role fitment. The idea is to reach out to the hiring HR/manager and add a personalized note on why they should check your profile out. Only shit that works.

It's mostly talent acquisition interns training on job posting

Yes I received ~200 responses by candidates who aren’t good so didn’t even go ahead and check anyone’s resume / CV coz too exhausting didn’t hire anybody coz it was not worth my time to look at that many resume

LinkedIn is filled with early career folks. But the worst thing is that, people who are not eligible for that role, or even know what some role is also applies for the role. The HR may end up proceeding with the first set of candidates that matches the criteria. It might more of be like,el early bird catches the worm

I’ve had multiple Internship offers and Interviews through linkedin.

LinkedIn doesn’t work at all
Have tried it myself and have had multiple friends report the same
Tried jobs well below my pay grade and ones close to it ~100 in 3 months
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