
Looking for Suggestions! [ Career Advice ]

Hello Folks!

I'm a 4th Year, CSE Student with specialization in Data Science. As per my college till now, we haven't seen any company specifically looking for data scientist role.

Seen a company named MuSigma they are bulk hirers for Decision Scientist role with 4yrs agreement bond. Due to unexpected reasons I was unable to clear last round. Now there is a company Capgemini looking for analyst role.

They above mentioned companies are offering package below 5LPA and which we need to survive with that package in metropolitan cities.

So, I'm currently looking for career advice.. where I have decide to pursue masters.

Kindly please answers the below questions.

  1. Is it good choice to choose MTech in India right now? And why.

  2. What about MBA and its placements in INDIA.

  3. Is it good option to go for higher education in data science?

  4. Which is better to pursue? MBA OR MTECH or just get job of what we got in btech.

1mo ago
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Don’t join musigma at all. I am in Mu Sigma for the last three months (I am from 2024 batch). I got offer letter from Mu-sigma around 20 November last year (2023). From my college around 230 students received offer letter , out of which only 70 students have received joining date and have joined the company. now coming to the fun part out of the 80 students in a batch musigma fired 35 students in the first three months of their job. In this year 2024, Musigma has on boarded five batches of students with 85 students avg in each batch. Musigma will conduct 40 assessment and will give you chance to pass all the 40 assessments (and each assessment will be given 3 attempts maximum) if you fail in any exam more than three times, and even if you pass all the 39 exams, they will fire you. And these 40 assessment will be conducted in first three months of joining. So now coming to the orders of you staying in Mu-sigma or 30% of you getting joining date and around 60% would be staying in music and passing all the criteria of passing, which is 18% of you joining and staying in Musigma for at least one year, so your chance of being unemployed after three months is as high as 82%. Consider this as a warning, threat or motivation to leave Musigma offer and do something better. ( Extra info: on 18 November 2024 musigma revoked, all the leftover offer letters for the batch of 2024) Thank you


Dude.. that was really required inforn thanks a lot for sharing

Do leetcode and go into dev. Don't waste your time with mtech or mba


So, Having a MBA or MTECH degree is worthless?

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