Is there any product to send WhatsApp message without have a business account?
I wanted to to know if there’s any product or company that provides APIs without having to use my Whatsapp business account?
I have created a service in node and wanted to invoke the WA API to send messages to the user. Since the volume is really low (2 messages/month) I was wondering if there is a way to accomplish this task from any free APIs available. I researched using Meta’s WA api directly but when I am trying to take the App Live it is asking for business use case and stuff where the registered business should have a website and all hence hit a blocker.
Wanted to know if their is any free API alternative available.
Do let me know if you have come across a use case and/or applied something.
Thanks in advance.
No free APIs. You can use third party vendor APIs like zoko, gupshup etc. but they're all paid. Apart from this there's a twilio where you can set up some demo accounts and use them for free for some time, but again it'll be one of their testing numbers.
I wanted to to know if there’s any product or company that provides APIs without having to use my Whatsapp business account?
Has anyone found a way or knows a tool that can send promotional messages over WhatsApp without using the WhatsApp API?
Any leads / workaround would be helpful.
I want to stop using whatsapp thanks to so much spamming by companies. Half of them I dont even remember signing up for🥲
Straight away block I have done that Its peaceful now
How does one send messages programmatically without DLT registration in India. Currently using Twilio for this but 13 bucks per SMS is too high.