
Losing abdomen fat

So I've been working out for a while, I do understand that spot reductions do not work. I lift 5-6x per week and also average 9k-10k step a day.

I've lost a lot of fat overall I'd say especially from my arms and legs however I don't feel I'm losing a lot of fat from my abdominal area(belly+side). I do feel healthier and much better though and have put on decent muscles.

As for diet, it's not horrible. Negligible sugar intake and eating out/junk is not very common as well. I'd say I order in once in 10 days on average. Usually I'm able to get in 90gm+ protein.

Should I be doing something differently?

13mo ago

I was able to go from 32% fat to close to 12%… in about 9 months by strictly adhering to diet(didn’t eat out during that whole period plus no alcohol, no sugar).
This is what my diet was:

  1. Oats with double omelette (for breakfast).
  2. 3 chapatis plus sabji for lunch.
  3. Grilled sandwich without potato, mayo, cheese, or butter as evening snack.
  4. Protein shake plus creatine 30 mins before hitting the gym.
  5. Protein shake after gym(used to have 2 hour session everyday)
  6. Had either casein(or 4 boiled eggs w/o yolk) just before going to bed.

Occasionally, I used to replace eggs with tandoori chicken.

I strictly followed this for 9 months.(no rest days). My workout routine had 1 hour of cardio plus functional training every day and 1 hour of workout(2 muscle group everyday). After every 3rd day, I kept a gap for muscle training and utilised 2 hours on 4th day for just cardio and functional alone.

Used to focus a lot on core muscles(was able to do planks for 2 mins straight).
Functional training comprised of burpees, frog jumps, monkey crawl, inclined forward lunges(used the car parking lot ascending stairs for the same with weights).

Without core training, you won’t be able to build abs muscles), and you will need to do functional training for reducing fat. Belly portion is the last place where fat reduction is seen). And it’s damn tough. Below 15% body fat% is when you are able to see abs.

Also, you will need to reduce your it salt intake as well. Salt in body holds more water. A lot it body builders will reduce their water content just before competitions so as to reduce water composition of body for short duration of time.


How an unemployed person do this much...r u anant Ambani?


I wasn’t unemployed before. This was back in 2016. For fitness, there is no requirement for employment status.


Intermittent fasting


This is good of water fasting for 5 days


Will try it out, what do you guys usually have when fasting? Just water or fruits or something else is also allowed?


Do planks, leg raise ups , butterflies


For Abs that would be ideal, but do they work for specifically reducing belly fat? I don't think spot reductions usually work.


For me it works.


Calorie deficit, intermittent fasting, morning workouts. And something else that worked I felt was having just fruits for breakfast, your other meals can be regular as planned but fruits for breakfast after your morning workouts (with your protein and caffeine/green tea).

If all of these still don't work, then there's only thing left to do that's guaranteed to work but not for weak hearted - Daily burpees, starting with atleast 3 sets of 10 and gradually overloading that progressively


I hope to god I don't have to go down the Burpees route.

Fasting and deficit have been common suggestions, will try and maintain that.
I usually struggle to do that on a consistent basis. Having a workout buddy usually helped me to stay accountable.


Burpees will give you guaranteed results, but yes God forbid that it should be your last option if nothing else seems to work


What's your body fat percentage?


I have absolutely no clue, would probably be on the higher side. I'm 5'9 and 80ish Kgs. Have lost a lot of weight but still there's a lot of fat in some parts.


Focus on decreasing it to 14% then I'll be gone too. These things take time. Do what you are doing and results will follow soon. Sleep well.


I do 7 mins plank (without break) twice a week. It really helps me loose my belly fat significantly and I am able to maintain flat abs always with just this. Not sure if this is the best suggestion. Any guidance will be highly appreciated.


I've read spot reductions don't work but for me as well I feel planks do something. I could just be trying to justify doing them but still.

Btw 7 minutes of multiple sets right and not one go?


7 minutes in one go. Just one set. :)


Fruits= sugar avoid it


I don't think fruits should be avoided? Natural sugar sources are generally fine aren't they?


So here is the thing, sugar in fruits and alcohol can only be processed by your liver and not be any other body part. So despite being natural its puts extra burden and prevents fat loss plus increasing risk of fatty liver


Do skipping ropes work in this case?


It does work, especially with the deficit. The only downside is your belly will just flop around if you don't strength train. The skin just hangs if you lose fat too quickly without any muscle gain.


What is your body fat percentage?


I have absolutely no clue, would probably be on the higher side. I'm 5'9 and 80ish Kgs. Have lost a lot of weight but still there's a lot of fat in some parts.


Belly Fat is stubborn, I wish I can reduce it(I’m at 25% right now still have it). Not losing hope, still going to gym 5-6 times a week, and try to hit abs after strength training and basketball/Squash sometimes and trying to hit my 12-15k steps. Maybe will see in a few months what happens. But my waist is down by an inch, so may be these small changes which we don’t see will lead to major progress over time.


It will take time. Don't over do. Just continue the same.



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