MS in Business Analytics
Is it worth to do MS in BA from US? Curt working as an analyst . Don’t have cgpa for data science degree as there is more competition. Should I look for business analytics 🤔
Is it worth to do MS in BA from US? Curt working as an analyst . Don’t have cgpa for data science degree as there is more competition. Should I look for business analytics 🤔
Hi, I have over 3.5 years of experience in IT and working at a service based company. I'm working in Oracle PaaS tech stack and not sure how much scope it has because not every organisation uses it. To switch technologies is difficult wi...
Hi all. I'm currently an analyst (no exposure to DS). Is it worth doing an MS in Data Science? I do realise that upskilling without a degree is possible, but I also see a some MNCs prefer to have post grad candidates.
Would be very hel...
I have 2 years of experience in analytics and now considering a career shift to data science.
I am planning to take the GRE this year to pursue a master's degree in data science, either in the US or Europe.
Could you people please...
I am trying to transition from a business analyst to data scientist. I was wondering would a post graduation in the same be worth the expense and effort? Or having a significant presence in the community ( like kaggle, analytics vidya et...