What are some good mutual funds to invest in for like 2.5 years. Specifically Mid Caps. And if not then should I diversify? Or should I go for debt funds? Needed some advice.
Thank you.
Hey folks,
I am looking to invest in Mutual Funds for a period of 1 year with 1 time amount.
Please suggest me some funds in which I should invest .
If the time duration is only 1 year, go for FD currently we are getting good returns in FD for 1-2 year time period.
I am open to investing in all type of funds small, mid , large ..
Quant fund.
Or Index wait for market to crash - same day invest in index fund before 12pm to be sure.
If your time horizon is 1 year then go for liquid funds or FDs. You can invest in arbitrage funds too.
This is not the right time to invest in lump sum aggressively. If you still want to do it, go for an actively managed flexi cap fund
Parag Parikh Arbitrage Fund - Direct Plan - Growth and
Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund - Direct Plan - Growth
Are two good options for debt mutual funds.
Equity mutual funds need a time horizon of 3-5 years. For one Year it is better to go for debt. Mostly Fixed Deposits, Bonds etc. IMHO: Just do a Fixed Deposit in your bank account or if you are looking for more returns try Stable Money for fixed deposits
Don't invest in MF, take that money and upskill or invest in yourself and 1 year is MF is nothing. You might lose money. Investments are always for long term and not short-term
Instead of lump sum, go for monthly SIP. This helps in averaging over market fluctuations.
If only one fund, go for index funds such as nifty 50 or bluechip funds. Less risk, stable growth.
What are some good mutual funds to invest in for like 2.5 years. Specifically Mid Caps. And if not then should I diversify? Or should I go for debt funds? Needed some advice.
Thank you.
What are some good mutual funds to invest in for like 2.5 years. Specifically in equity. And if not then should I diversify? Or should I go for debt funds? I needed some advice on how to form a strategy to invest since I am a beginner, r...
Hi, I am new to investing, wanted to know which mutual funds should I choose. m 23 I have around 10k to invest per month ? Or you can share where are you guys investing?