Myntra salary range for senior managers?
What is the salary range for senior manager roles in Myntra (in business and marketing side). For rg: senior category managers salary?

Senior managers have base 50+ LPA

My guess is maybe 30-40lpa+

Salary for deputy director at Myntra
What is the in hand per month salary for deputy director at Myntra? ( General management role)

Any Category Manager or E-Commerce Vendor Manager roles?
Hey folks! I am a sales and marketing person with close to 5 YOE, of which close to 3 years were in Category Management. Looking for something in Blr/Mumbai/Gurgaon as per order of preference. I have experience with P&L, GTM and sales. ...

Senior Business Analyst Salary in Top E-commerce startups
What is the current salary range for Senior Business Analyst roles (2-5 YOE) in companies like Meesho, Groww,Myntra, Swiggy and other similar startups.l? How is it in comparison to pay at Amazon, Google, Microsoft and similar giants?