You’re 24, you have plenty of time to make more money. Don’t pick offers based on the Salary, look for opportunities that will provide you with learning that matter for your future growth. I had no work-life balance when I started my career, there were days when I did night shift and went to office in the morning before anyone else, all it mattered for me was learning opportunity that it gave me. I slept in a internet cafe whole night just to complete assignments when I was learning.
Besides tech, I learned adaptability, ownership, built courage to go after challenges, built skills that helped me navigate different situations and teams.
Today, the biggest strength I have among others is not technical but rest all the skills that matter most , and these skills are putting me ahead everyday.
While doing all these things you can still figure a good plan for WLB, it’s completely possible.
Your LPA today would become CPA one day as they are the bi-product of your portfolio that you will build.
Good luck.