
Help choose me offer!

I have 2 Offers, both from start ups, A is a consumer faced growing startup with good & lots of work! Pros of A are: Culture seems good, maybe good quality work, peers okay! Cons are : No flexibility with WFH, package 4 lakhs less than B, maybe lots of work.

Pros of B: Higher package (+4 lacs), option to work from anywhere, dont know about kind of work! Cons; SaaS based startup so don’t know about kind of work I would get, maybe dashboard or external services integration, WLB may be fucked up!

What should I join? I am in dilemma, what if I join A and I get overwhelmed with work and get burned out, package also less.

What if join B and I do not get quality work and do not grow as a Frontend developer?

Folks with experience help!!!!!!!! I previously joined a startup, got burned out pretty quickly!

22mo ago
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Not clear. Is B a product based SaaS startup? If so then a lot of learning opportunity. You can mention the names of A and B, people will help you out.


A is murf ai and B is Opsera


Talk to some senior folks on LinkedIn of both the companies. Opsera seems to be a product based company. But what kind of work both will provide and on what tech stack, that will be insider info. Get in touch with the HR/tech-bro




Option B ofc. You’ve the benefit of Comp + WFH. Considering you’re a student, getting a taste of SaaS sooner in your career might set your personal expectations right for the future.

Additionally, the credentials of the founders of Op B are way stronger (scope to grow, raise funds faster etc.)
Op A is in an already cluttered space, playing in a niche (op B) early-on will strengthen both your learning curve and ability to grow horizontally (vs just consumer facing similar tech upwards) in the long term.


Unfortunately the answer to this should come from you only. Anyone here can just help you how to think.

I would suggest you to do a little exercise. Make a list of things that you desire in your dream job. In that list, you can only mark ONE requirement as a non negotiable. It could be anything (Money, WLB, Work/Company/Team Culture, Manager/mentor, equity, tech), but you have to choose one. This is what you will never compromise on. Others will be great to have.

It will be challenging to prioritise this, but once you do this, you will always have the North star metric as a guide.


B, you'll definitely get to experiment a lot with a product company. From my experience, you have a better WLB with product since clients don't set deadlines, your manager does.

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