
help me decide pls

What would you choose between a job at a startup in Bangalore or at an agency in Goa?

for context- I’m a marketing fellow and This would be my first full time job. the salary offered is the same.

given the pros and cons of both the situations, unable to decide between the two offers.

should i go for comfort in goa and quit after 7-8 months or choose the startup role and struggle initially to get a comfortable role later?

15mo ago

DO NOT go to Goa. The place is slow, lack of public transport and everything(except bars) are closed post 9pm. There are frequent power cuts (8H+) and the internet sucks. Lately the locals are getting super hostile to outsiders. Bangalore is MUCH better in terms of safety, quality of life(better food, lots of things to do on weekends). You can easily switch jobs too. The job may be great with WLB but you’ll find it super hard to find a job in the metros. Source: Am Goan who worked in Goa for 3 years left for Bangalore and am currently living here now. Wouldn’t go back if you paid me 1cr.


what about going there for 7-8 months? because right now my peace of mind is more important to me than anything else and i feel like going there and spending time on beaches etc would help me in a way? or will a small vacation do the job?


Go for goa. As long as youre not doing some BS job you should be fine. And why did you assume the agency job in Goa would be chill? Just because it's in Goa?


Hey, no, one of my friends works in the same company and they told me that it’s pretty decent in terms of wlb but yes, the company in bangalore is bigger and the role is more challenging with opportunities to grow, which is why unable to decide


Apply for Narvar they have office in Goa. Check their glassdoor before applying


Hey, I’ve already received the offers, I just need to decide between the two mentioned above


These are two starkly different career paths that have nothing to do with Goa / Bangalore.

You should first figure out if you want to be in an agency / client.


Hey you’re right, it’s not exactly about goa/bangalore. what i’m trying to understand is whether it’s better to go for a startup or an agency since this is my first job (i’m open to exploring) and the bangalore or goa part comes in due to the fact that how different these places are in terms of cost of living, quality of life etc

so my question was whether to work in an agency and have a pretty chill lifestyle in goa or go for the startup and the hustle bustle of the city right from day one


Always struggle and challenge yourself at the start of career.. There is lot of time to relax and chill.. Don't do it from day one... I worked in startups for 10 years, before moving to MNCs... Challenges that these MNC folk face are first world problems, and life is a cake walk, because I have seen worse many times.

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