Need your help to decide
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask for some help
As you all know, I started building the open-source version of perplexity and have made huge progress but I am just curious if anyone even wants it?
Aravind had some background to raise money and create hype. I can't do it even if my tech is open-source or maybe even better.
What should I do? Do i still do it or just leave it here.

A fundamental question - Why do you need to open source?

One benefit of open-source is no competition. Once a stable and good enough version is built, no one rebuilds it. Examples like Kubernetes, docker and even Linux.
My thesis at least. Also I wanna kill perplexity.

No competition? Competition between who?
If I want to use a ai chat bot, I’d rather open pplx or ChatGPT etc and get done with my work rather than actually configure the thing on my machine.
Now coming to the examples you’d given - Have a look at the revenue from open source projects vs plg or sales heavy saas companies. There’s a 20-80 ratio btw.
I was a dev myself. Built a dev tool startup and did the open source way. Two cents - You are in the process of selling software. Not building software. Don’t keep hopes that open source turns into sales. Not at all.
If you are doing as a community service, please oss it. Don’t expect to build a company out of it for the least.

Don’t leave it. Gen AI, LLM these are very interesting topics in today’s scenario. Who knows a competitor of Perplexity AI might even acquire your Open Source Version.
Perplexity Image search subscription is too costly and I see only 300 pro users per day in the app on IOS. That’s a low volume. Could be the case that the price point is a limitation and yours being open source could open the doors. Keep going and also share the tool with us please. Would love to test it

Initial version - https://omniplex.vercel.app

Some observations
- Couldn’t attach image.
- Why are flamingos pink question was answered well. But when I asked a specific question related to tech, what is micro services architecture I get error failed to fetch chat response.
- What is focus ?

What is your hypothesis here? Why would
People use this over perplexity/chatgpt? Can you make a better product that those? And how?
And most importantly why do you think any to build this? I think why part isn’t clear to you else you won’t be asking this question so soon.

I can build it so I am building it. Making it open-source makes it open for everyone to play around improve and do anything.
I can build it to customise your LLMs like GPT/Llama/Claude… Build your personal memory and custom data without a single penny. So much more but does it matter!
I just don’t know if it’s possible to raise money or just a waste of time.

100% possible to raise money. But product has to reach a level first . Investors are crazy about AI RIGHT now . It’s the gold rush.
If you really want to do it go ahead . Investment shouldn’t be a deterrent .

Buddy, remember that real success stories never ask for permission. Your tech is better, open-source? Fantastic! "Pahelwan ki pehchaan akhade mein hoti hai." Go conquer!