Never intern at PhonePe
Be it SDE, SRE, Data Scientist or any other role never intern at PhonePe worst place to work at, the conversion rate is lowest as compared to other. Conversion is rarely done based on skills. I have heard from other department interns that they were not even assigned a project to work on and were removed.
Interning at PhonePe felt like being in a school with strict teachers and zero respect for people.

just want to hear your story you can name your manager she/he
Remya Sree
DEAR INTERN NEVER CONSIDER THIS ESTEEMED COMPANY AS A EMPLOYER . They have worst hiring process for intern hiring. Before giving project how do they judge one's caliber if you converted it is purely on luck factor. If they want top of the top candidates better they filter more during oncampus recruitment itself.
Worst experience. Don't join as intern .
Did they declare the results for this year?