Nikesh Arora, Sociopath? Or Effective war time General?
I was reading up on this guy from a long time, he fascinates me and I want to be like him, low key. People who have worked with him indirectly in Google or are you in touch with anyone who has worked with him? Care to explain.
Here's the link to the rest of the thread -
9 years ago that’s crazy
Yeah that answer still lingers in my brain, I haven't met anyone who can testify to his style of working or the other answers in that thread...but he is close friends with chamath, who is a Charlatan and full fledged psycopath. You can see it in his recent appearance in all in summit
Edit: when I said I want to be like him, be a good effective leader not psychopath, but people tell there's no do I know I just go to the dog park on sundays.
My boss is just like that. When he smiles it is truly for a evil reason
Yeah, def need to quit bro
Seems similar to Lyndon Johnson, the US President after JFK. He would utterly dominate the space of any senator, conduct meetings from the toilet, whip out his bits, and whatnot.
But he was effective. He passed the policies that he wanted to pass, and no one, not even Opposition challenged him.