
Paytm Laid off

Hi Guys,

Affected by recent paytm layoff Any leads for SDE1/backend dev role would be really help full

#laidoff #backend #SDE #Java #Springboot

8mo ago
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by TwirlySushiPayTM

SDE referral

Hi Guys,

Affected by paytm layoff Please refer , share job openings

Thanks in advance

#layoff #SDE #Java #Backend Developer

Indian Startups
by PrancingPotatoProduct Manager

Paytm layoffs

Paytm folks here - Is this true?

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Top comments

Yes. I was the first casualty of the day


Absolutely! One entire floor is booked by HR for firing. Already the process has started!


They should first layoff the incompetent overpaid toxic VPs and Product Heads. Especially RD.

by SleepyDumplingGeekyAnts

Layoff at Paytm

Is there any one from Paytm , who can confirm if there’s a silent layoff happening there. I have an offer as SSE , but have heard from multiple people that work culture is detoriating very fast and almost 20% are undergoing PIP.

Top comment

My friend was an early stage employee at Paytm. He stayed for 4+ years, built a lot of what Paytm is today. Workin...