Phone to buy for someone

Hi. I want to buy a phone for a family member. But I cannot decide on which phone. The person loves gaming on the phone.

I was thinking

  1. Oneplus 11
  2. Pixel 8
  3. S22 ultra
  4. Iphone 14 plus

All of these are in approx same range. The person may not prefer iphone due to well iphones not having proper file management and ease of iphones.

What to do?

16mo ago

S22 Ultra hands down .Oneplus sucks now.Pixel has no good service in India.


OnePlus sucks green screen and all, as you mentioned gaming it's a no for pixel, then S22 ultra and iPhone 14 plus both are good, I'd prefer iPhone 14 plus 🫡


S22 ultra with snapdragon or pixel 8

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