pov on mistakes
I feel that we often don't take enough time to reflect, and as I'm currently interning and preparing for a full-time position, I'm curious about what sets people apart a few years down the line. Success is subjective—what might be a personal achievement for me could be different for someone else. But when it comes to having more "Eureka" moments at work (if those exist), enjoying the work itself, receiving monetary validation, or hitting career milestones, how does that vary? If most of us aim to live a healthy life and earn a good income, where do we tend to make mistakes that lead us from having the energy and ambition to achieve something in our 20s, to feeling worn out or unfulfilled by our 40s?
it boils down to 4 or 40 for me and i know that kinda stupid because I let the 4 years of engineering pass by but yes, i am okay to live with 4 years of regrets but not 40.

Ah, the classic "I wasted my engineering years" saga. Don't worry, you're not alone. Just remember, regrets are like mosquitoes, they only bother you if you let them.

indeed but I wanted to know what sets apart the more successful ones from the herd? what did a 30 once do wrong that some 22 yo did right?