
Problem: Distribution is bad for service based occupations such as topmate and practo users. Solution👇

Problems: low booking capacity utilization; leading to uncertain revenues for professionals.

Solution: referral product for services.

Suppose professional gives consultation on topmate, so 1 customer can refer to another and 1st one gets 20-25% of professional’s booking gmv.

The platform built with modulated features for more control over number of referrals, %fee, platform integrations, etc

So essentially incentivised word of mouth for services. Similar to affiliate links.

Does this exist? If not, pros and cons for this?

4mo ago
App Promo

sounds like MLM


Somewhat true. But digital only for services where professional mostly rely on ratings and word of mouth, if he/she is not an influencer


Bro just discovered affiliate marketing.


Practo is deemed to fail. Business success is based on repetitive customers. Doctors will use this for some time , once they get the required visibility they will opt out. Doctors are bigger thieves, these idiots thought they can make money from them,

Half country startups, are simply copy of the Real estate brokerage model into various industries/sectors. Or pick a daily/normal/regular everyday activity , create an app for it. The sooner these startups die the better. They add no value, just increase the salary range higher. The biggest problem of this will not be the recession, but when recession happens, good companies will cut down salary down to the bone just to show the people that next time dont trust a startup.

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